Title: ArangoDB安装,For Centos7[原创]

Categories: ArangoDB

Description: 笔记

Keywords: ArangoDB,linxu,centos



date:2017-08-17 author:zhangjianxin

1.下载ArangoDB rpm

wget http://112firshme11224.test.upcdn.net/blog/arangodb3-3.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm

2.Install ArangoDB

rpm -ivh arangodb3-3.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm


systemctl start arangodb3


systemctl status arangodb3


pretty-print = true

endpoint = tcp://
authentication = true
# username = root
# password =

file = -

startup-directory = /usr/share/arangodb3/js


# ArangoDB configuration file
# Documentation:
# https://docs.arangodb.com/Manual/Administration/Configuration/

directory = /var/lib/arangodb3

# maximal-journal-size = 33554432

# Specify the endpoint for HTTP requests by clients.
#  tcp://ipv4-address:port
#  tcp://[ipv6-address]:port
#  ssl://ipv4-address:port
#  ssl://[ipv6-address]:port
#  unix:///path/to/socket
# Examples:
#   endpoint = tcp://
#   endpoint = tcp://
#   endpoint = tcp://localhost:8529
#   endpoint = tcp://myserver.arangodb.com:8529
#   endpoint = tcp://[::]:8529
#   endpoint = tcp://[fe80::21a:5df1:aede:98cf]:8529
endpoint = tcp://[::]:8529
storage-engine = auto

# reuse a port on restart or wait until it is freed by the operating system
# reuse-address = false

authentication = true

# number of server threads. use 0 to make arangod determine the
# number of threads automatically, based on available CPUs
# threads = 0

# gather server statistics
statistics = true

# the user and group are normally set in the start script
# uid = arangodb
# gid = arangodb

uid = arangodb

# number of threads used for I/O, use 0 to make arangod determine
# the number of threads automatically
# threads = 0

startup-directory = /usr/share/arangodb3/js
app-path = /var/lib/arangodb3-apps
# app-path = //arangodb3/apps

# number of V8 contexts available for JavaScript execution. use 0 to
# make arangod determine the number of contexts automatically.
# v8-contexts = 0

# enable Foxx queues in the server
# queues = true

# interval (seconds) to use for polling jobs in Foxx queues
# queues-poll-interval = 1

level = info
file = /var/log/arangodb3/arangod.log


# encryption-keyfile=/your-encryption-file



# 进入arangodb bash


``bash # 停止systemctl stop arangodb3` # 不启用授权启动arangodb /usr/sbin/arangod --server.authentication false


* 注意启动以后开启另一个shell窗口,当前的不要结束,图上面是已经Control + C了,这一步在什么时候做下面会说。 * 接下来执行arangosh 它会让你输入密码,直接会车即可。

require("@arangodb/users").replace("root", "new-password");
